What to do in moments of floods


What to do in the event of a flood:

Before the flood:

  1. Familiarize yourself with flood-prone areas in your vicinity and avoid building in those locations. Stay informed about the river's conditions and communicate with local authorities during periods of heavy and continuous rainfall.
  2. Memorize routes to higher ground and identify safe locations in your area.
  3. Prepare an emergency kit that includes drinking water, non-perishable food, clothing, personal documents stored in waterproof containers, a first aid kit, a portable radio, flashlights, and an emergency cooking set.

During the flood:

  1. Evacuate low-lying areas and move to the closest high ground that you have previously identified as safe.
  2. Do not attempt to cross water streams that exceed knee height.
  3. Avoid driving through flooded roads.
  4. Stay away from power lines and electrical cables.

After the flood:

  1. Report any broken telephone or electrical lines to the relevant authorities.
  2. Do not consume fresh foods that have come into contact with floodwaters.
  3. Inspect your home, considering the possibility of structural damage. Seek assistance from authorities if you have concerns about your home's stability.
  4. Avoid using electrical appliances that have gotten wet.
  5. Refrain from drinking water from wells or cisterns without having it analyzed, as it may be contaminated.

What to do in the event of a "sudstada" (severe coastal storm):

The recommendations for a "sudstada" are similar to those for floods. These storms cause flooding in surrounding areas along the coast due to the accumulation of water caused by southeast winds.

What to do in the event of landslides:

  1. Avoid constructing or living in areas prone to erosion or soil instability.
  2. Take measures to reduce the threat, such as planting vegetation on slopes and building protective barriers. Seek advice on the appropriate type and technical aspects of these barriers.
  3. Construct channels or diversion walls in hilly areas to redirect the flow away from constructions and homes, leading it back to the river or stream channel. Regularly monitor and make necessary adjustments to these channeling systems.
  4. Install flexible pipes for gas and water to minimize the impact of landslides.
  5. Be alert to signs of danger, such as cracks in walls, separated outer walls, damaged underground lines, inclining fences and trees, and rumbling sounds that increase in intensity as the sliding approaches.

How to prevent:

  1. Plan at least two evacuation routes.
  2. Develop an emergency communication plan and establish a meeting point for your family members.
  3. Avoid crossing bridges if water is passing over them.
  4. Seek shelter in a sturdy structure or under furniture if you are at home during a landslide.
  5. Move away from storm drains and ditches if you are outdoors.
  6. If driving, never cross a bridge with water flowing over it. If your car stalls, immediately exit and move to higher ground.

After the flood or landslide:

  1. Stay away from the affected areas, as there may be ongoing risks of new landslides.
  2. Check for injured or trapped individuals and provide assistance if possible.
  3. Stay tuned to news updates and report any damage to telephone and electrical service lines to the appropriate authorities.
  4. Promote reforestation efforts in affected areas as soon as possible to restore forest cover.

Remember, these guidelines are meant to provide general information. Always follow the instructions and advice of local authorities during flood or landslide situations for the most accurate and relevant guidance.